Saturday, June 13, 2009

Pre-School Graduation

Mini-Me graduated from Pre-School last night. The ceremony was simple. The kindergarden kids came in and presented their parents with flowers to thank them for bringing them to school. Then the pre-school came in with a poem and 2 songs. Mini-Me was hilarious to watch as he kept pulling his shirt up and exposing his belly because he was so nervous. Then awards were presented. To my surprise I was named Parent of the Year for the time I volunteer there. I usually spend about 1 1/2 hours of a 3 1/2 hour day there reading stories and dancing with the kids and so forth. Then the kindergardeners came in in yellow gowns and mortar boards with blue sashes. They were awarded their diplomas and the ceremony concluded.

I will miss the time I spend in the mornings with Alex's class. I hope Miss Tracie will let me continue in the fall. I was never an official volunteer; I just showed up to drop off or pick up Alex, saw where help was needed and did it.

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