Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Roast Sausage

This is a personal favorite of almost everyone in the family. I take smoked sausage cut it into chunks. Then, per pound of sausage I add two red, orange, or yellow bell peppers, one large onion and two cans of petite diced tomatoes with peppers. Finally I add 1 teaspoon of chicken broth dissolved in 1/2 cup of water. Put in the oven at 425 and roasted for 35 minutes, it's heavenly when served with a loaf of crust bread. It's even better the second day because the bell peppers suck up the juices and become meltingly soft. Me, I just like the juice with some bread as I don't eat that much meat. Pat loves the peppers and onions. Trouble maker eats the sausage, complains about hating peppers and onions and insists that he's being starved even though he eats the lion's share of the meat. Oh well, can't please everyone all the time

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