Sunday, April 12, 2009

Book Review - Ender's Game

I like science fiction. However, I like it better when it's set in familiar settings. Normally I tend to enjoy the works of Ben Bova. When I need to stray out into the stars I prefer Star Trek and Robert Heinlin. Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card was an incredible book. It is the story of Andrew (Ender) Wiggin a boy whose parents were allowed to conceive him in the hope that, in Ender, the world might find salvation from the overlurking fear of the "Buggers", an alien race that had twice attempted to take over Earth. Ender and his family are unaware of this as we follow Ender through Battle School and onto his final battle with the Buggers and their queens. I was surprised by how much I enjoyed this book.
This book was written more for teen agers than adults. But, unlike some people, I don't have a problem reading fiction for young adults. After all, wasn't that what Harry Potter was originally set for? A good read is a good read. All that is important for me in a book is that I find it entertaining.

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