Sunday, April 18, 2010


Let's see, today the kids got up at 6:10 am.  I'm still sleeping in the living room so naturally they woke us up when they turned on the computer.  I got up and turned the volume down, but naturally I was up for the day, though I dozed in the chair for about an hour more.  I got up and gor some pain med from Pat.  We wanted to take the kids out somewhere to get their energy out, but neither of us felt like it since we're both still recovering from pneumonia. Finally, we marshalled ourselves to go to the grocery store.  When we came back I cleaned for a while while Pat played cards.  Then he worked for a while on the tent to go over Alex's top bunk.  Rick called to tell us to pick him up from Boy Scouts around 12:00 then we came home again.  I cleaned, Pat worked on the tent.  He finished it, then tried to call my mother so we could go out tonight.  When she didn;t call back, we left Rick with the kids so we could go out, then we checked on her.  She was fine, but her home phone was not receiing calls from Pittsburg.  We went over to Todos Santos plaza for the evening,  Pat and I had hot dogs at the Hot Dog Palace.  Then we went to Half Price Books, my favorite store in the world.  We bought some DVD's and I got a new book, George Takei's To The Stars.  At this point I was in a LOT of pain so we went to Starbucks and came home.

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