Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Doctor's Visit Today

I had an appointment with Dr. Jaffin in Antioch today for my shoulder.  Apparently, I am doing just fine.  Shoulder surgery apparently just hurts like bloody hell no matter what.  I still tend to panic.  While I can stay reasonably calm for the first hour or so after an appointment, I rapidly manage to get back to my state of controlled panic which is the norm for me when all is NOT well in my world.  So, the second I have a question, or something scares me about the recovery process, I will panic again.

As usual, I took the kids to school today.  Alex first to Railroad Junction, then Daniel to MLK.  Mr. U's car followed me in the gate.  When I took Daniel to the bus, he told me, "get out of the cold mom" for which I was grateful.  The cold causes me to stiffen up and makes my shoulder hurt more.  I hung out at Pat's house, cleaning up and so forth, until 10 when I went to help out at Alex's school.  There I filed, took down a bulletin board, and cut out stuff for the craft project of the day.

In the afternoon, I took the kids to the library to pick up book six of the Ranger's Apprentice series on CD for Pat.  I imported it into I-Tunes, then returned it to the library in the evening when some other stuff I had requested came in.  Pat came with me this time and picked out some books from the stacks.  Then we came home so I could put the kids to bed and Pat could take Rick to the gym.

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