Saturday, September 12, 2009

Dan Brown's The Lost Symbol Pre-Released

So I was at WalMart in Pittsburg California today and they had Dan Brown's new book, The Lost Symbol on the shelf! I was shaking as I picked it up and raced to the cash register. Naturally I knew that I couldn't buy it until Tuesday, but it doesn't hurt to try, right? Well, naturally it rang up "Sell Not Allowed". The cashier called a manager, I think her name was Debbie, who told me that the item had been put on hold and couldn't be sold but she didn't know why. So I told her why. Yes, I probably shouldn't have done it, but if I can't have that book, nobody can. LOL Well, she told someone else and they promptly cleared the shelf of the 10 or so copies that were out. Wow, some stock person sure fucked up last night.

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