Saturday, May 1, 2010

Busy Days

Let's see, we started off today with a trip to the Walmart for diapers.  Then we went to the Home Depot to build picket fence planters at their kid clinics.  Finishing this, we headed to Lowes for their Build and Grow clinics, but, unbeknownst to me, we had left a leg of Daniel's planter in the Home Depot parking lot.  Daniel soon discovered this and got upset so I told him we'd go back and get a new one after the Lowes clinic.  At Lowes we build school house boxes.  Then we went back to Home Depot and found the leg in the parking lot.  We headed for the farmer's market in downtown Pittsburg.  Parking in front of Steel town coffee, we proceeded to the market to make head bands, get balloons, eat samples, and to buy two cauliflower.  I took the kids to the coffee place to get a pick me up for me, but then Alex's talking Alien balloon popped so we went back to the market for a new one.  We headed home by way of Jack in the Box.  Once home Pat said he wanted to go fishing tomorrow and needed some new castmasters.  Back we went to Wal Mart.  Then we came home to find my books had come into the library, hence a library trip.  Then Rick needed a ride back to jhis friend Jesse's house.  Then home again.  Thank goodness for my crock pot.  Dinner was mostly cooked.  In the evening, we took the kids to How To Train a Dragon at the Drive In, where Daniel fell asleep in the car and the rest of us, Pat, Alex, and Me watched the movie.  Then to home and soon, some sleep.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm tired just reading this. I didn mt know you had a blog. Now I know I'll have to check it more often